Monday, July 16, 2012


Despite my fears, I shall persevere. I went out for a bike ride last Wednesday and decided while I was out, I might as well throw in a short run. I ran 2 miles. This time last year? That was a long run. While the run it self just sucked, my leg hurt, it was hot and humid at 4:30pm (what was I thinking?) and I didn't bring enough made me feel better about running in general. After I ran, I hopped on my bike for about 5 miles. My knee bothers me somewhat so cut my ride shorter than I had planned. But I did it. I was afraid to do it, but I did it.

Today/yesterday (the 15th) started my re-training for the Iron Horse Half Marathon (IHHM). While I don't get the 16 weeks that I want, I have 13 weeks. Not the optimal amount that I wanted, but I will do the best that I can with the time that I have. So I will start posting about my runs, cross training, etc...

Sunday- Rest day (swam with the kids, did some mini laps of freestyle in between carting kids in the pool)
Monday- Cross training: Bob Harper's ripped core workout
Tuesday- 3 miles
Wednesday- Cross Training: Bob Harper's yoga dvd
Thursday- 4 miles
Friday- Rest/swim
Saturday- either 4 or 8 miles or more...who knows.

Once I started doubting myself, friends who aren't runners kept coming and telling me how proud they are of my running. That they're so glad that I do this for myself and commented on the weight I've lost this year (18 lbs since January, almost 30 lbs from my heaviest 3 years ago). I know I can do this and I will do it.

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