why yes, another race. I signed up for this one before the one I did two weeks ago. one of my bestest friends just started running again after a two year hiatus. she's been training and we decided to do this race "together." she'll always be faster than me, but such is life. its just nice to have a great friend who supports my craziness since my family doesn't really get it.
I think there were about 2,000 people at this race, by far the largest I've ever done. The last two races I did had about 30-80 runners each...much more tolerable for my dislike of crowds. Because it was crowded, the first half mile - mile, it was a lot of weaving in and out, up on the sidewalk, run on the grass, go around the people who were just walking. Needless to say I was frustrated...still was running the pace I wanted though. The race wasn't as "through" the zoo as I had hoped, we looped around on outlying roads for the first two miles, then the last mile-ish was actually inside the zoo. I grabbed a bottle of water at the 2 mile mark, took a quick swig (they thankfully took the lids off for us), then kept it and proceeded down a hill. about a quarter mile later, took another swig and put it on top of a trash can. I walked for a few seconds here, just had to catch my breath. then back at it, there was a lady cheering at 200 yds to go and I just booked it to the finish. my faithful Garmin said I did that at a 7:59 pace.
First mile- 10:44
Second mile- 10:45
Third mile- 11:34 (due to short walk)
Last tenth- 00:49
their time 34:00:06, my Garmin time 33:51, sigh. I'll go by theirs though. still a PR by 26 seconds nonetheless.
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